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8 Powerful Ingredients Professionally Formulated To Help You Sleep- Naturally!!

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8 Powerful Ingredients Professionally Formulated To Help You Sleep- Naturally!!

by Kelle Lambers on May 06, 2020
Are you experiencing difficulty in relaxing after a stressful day and having a hard time falling or staying asleep?   There are certain bodily functions that take place ONLY during deep sleep. Sleep is so crucial that even slight sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality can affect memory, judgment, and mood. Research has shown that most Americans would be happier and healthier if they were to sleep an extra 60 to 90 minutes per night. Delta Sleep can help you get there... OUR UNIQUE FORMULATION OF A SYNERGY OF MULTIPLE KEY SLEEP INDUCING INGREDIENTS, CREATE A DEEP (DELTA) SLEEP ALLOWING YOU TO REST AND RECOVER...† ...SETTING DELTA SLEEP APART FROM THE OTHER SLEEP FORMULAS OUT THERE. We are here for you, to help you get your quality pillow time...   Your body repairs itself while you sleep, activities ranging from heart health to renewing and repairing brain cells. Sleep allows the brain to rest, repair, and grow new cells. Each night, the brain removes toxins that are built up during waking hours to allow the brain to function normally the next day. When those toxins are allowed to stagnate, you steady wear down and wear out.Still, it’s not necessarily about getting the recommended eight hours of sleep each night; it’s more about the quality of every minute of sleep. If you’re tossing and turning, or constantly waking up over the course of 9 hours, then sleep is hardly doing you any good. On the other hand, if you’re able to squeeze in 4-6 hours of deep, uninterrupted sleep, that’s proven to be far more beneficial pillow time.   A lack of quality sleep causes anxiety, memory loss, fat gain, mood swings, high blood pressure, and a decrease in work and physical performance.     Delta Sleep is Professionally Formulated to Support your Body’s Ability to Unwind and Relax into a Deep, Restful Sleep... NATURALLY.   Delta Sleep's unique blend of all natural ingredients are synergistically formulated to†: ✔️ Provide optimum support for brain and body ✔️ Help relax and unwind ✔️ Have a deep regenerative sleep ✔️ Lab tested for potency and purity ✔️ Order now with ZERO RISK- 30 day money back guarantee   Wake up in the morning refreshed and energized... ...no groggy, hazy, side effects of traditional sleep medications. †   CLICK HERE -Try it RISK FREE for 30 days!!   And as with all renHalsa supplements; we search for the perfect formulations to give you the best results possible. Giving you the potency and purity you can trust.   TAKE THE SAME KIND OF HERB EXTRACTS AND FORMULAS, THAT NATURAL HEALTH DOCTORS TAKE FOR THEMSELVES AND FOR THEIR FAMILIES.   Delta Sleep Promotes Better Sleep With All Natural Powerful Ingredients!   VALERIAN ROOT Promotes tranquility and improves sleep Reduces time it takes to fall asleep Improves overall sleep quality and quantity Helps body's ability to handle stress and anxiety GABA Regulates nerve impulses in your brain and nervous system Helps with Overactive Mind Relieves anxiety, improves mood, reduces symptoms of (PMS) Used for treating ADHD LEMON BALM Reduces anxiety Helps with Overactive Mind Calming and natural sleep-promoting effect. Increases GABA levels. HOPS EXTRACT Promotes better sleep Reduces anxiety, insomnia and other sleep disorders, restlessness, tension, excitability, ADHD, nervousness, and irritability. Helps to stay in REM sleep longer Increases GABA levels. CHAMOMILE FLOWER Essential Amino acids. Promotes a relaxed and calm state of mind Helps to fall asleep faster Helps to decrease anxiety and initiate sleep. 5-HTP & L- TRYPTOPHAN Essential Amino acids. Help to produce serotonin, which can be converted into the hormone melatonin. L-Tryp.- Most research-proven and accepted nutrient to help calm the body. Promotes tranquility and improves sleep. Low serotonin levels are associated with depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, weight gain and other health problems. MELATONIN "Sleep Hormone" Helps you fall asleep by calming the body before bed. Helps your body prepare for sleep   Our powerful combination of nutrients sets the Delta Sleep formula apart from all other supplements on the market. POWERFUL SYNERGISTIC BLEND OF SLEEP PROMOTING NUTRIENTS ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS LAB TESTED FOR POTENCY AND PURITY HIGHEST QUALITY CERTIFICATIONS & FDA INSPECTED FACILITY TRIPLE TESTED BY INDEPENDENT LABS FOR PURITY OF EACH INGREDIENT MADE IN THE USA   CLICK HERE- Try It RISK FREE for 30 Days!
IMMUNE - Build Up Your Immune System Naturally

Zen Blog

IMMUNE - Build Up Your Immune System Naturally

by Kelle Lambers on Apr 21, 2020
  Think of Your Immune System like the Military Your immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect your body against outside influences. There are different branches of systems that each serve a unique function in protecting the body. The first line of defense is the white blood cells, which are the first to recognize pathogens and fight off infection. Lymphocytes, a specific type of white blood cells, work to allow the body to remember the invading microbes to fight them faster in future infections. Other parts of the immune system include the bone marrow, where white blood cells are produced; lymph nodes, which produce and store infection-fighting cells throughout the body; and the spleen, which helps control the amount of blood in the body and cleans out old or damaged blood cells from the body. So you don’t want just any ol’ immunity booster supplement. You want higher quality, Grade A herb extracts that are highly recommended by natural health care professionals.   Immune is Ideal For: ✔️ Strengthening & Re-Building immune system† ✔️ Protect against colds, flu and viruses† ✔️ Helping to combat the effects of stress† ✔️ Helping to support white blood cell function† ✔️ Order now with ZERO RISK- 30 day money back guarantee Don't settle for just feeling OK...   An advance immune support formula, designed to provide you with the necessary tools to fight off invading pathogens and build a stronger immune system. † Superior Immune Boosting Ingredients: GRAVIOLA LEAF   Source of antioxidants Helps the body fight against free radical damage to cells Helps support the immune system May regulate blood glucose   RASBERRY FRUIT POWDER   One of the top antioxidant fruits Powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-aging properties Improve insulin balance and blood sugar regulation Excellent for cardiovascular, circulatory, and cognitive health   GREEN TEA   Loaded with antioxidants and nutrients Reduces inflammation Helps to fight cancer Has EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate), one of the most powerful compounds in green tea, has been studied to treat various diseases   BETA GLUCAN   Most studied, natural Immune System Supplement in the World Balances blood sugar Purported to strengthen the immune system and, in turn, fight off colds, flu, and even cancer Said to increase the body's defense against the harmful effects of stress   TURMERIC   Said to prevent heart disease, Alzheimer's and cancer Potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant May also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis   PINE BARK   Excellent source of vitamin C Antioxidant Has numerous phytochemicals, natural plant compounds that support better health   HERB AND MUSHROOM COMPLEXES   Strengthen and balance the immune system Protect against viruses Protect against free radical damage Reduces effects of stress Improves sleep Lessens fatigue   And more.... A Total of 25 Key Powerful Immune Boosting Vitamins, Herbs and Mushrooms to Strengthen Your Immune System   TRY IMMUNE ALL NATURAL FORMULA FOR ONE MONTH Or Subscribe Monthly And Save 20% 30 Day Money Back Guarantee on your first order   CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE  
Eating healthy, How to eat to cleanse your liver

Zen Blog

Cleanse To Help Heal Your Body- Pt 2- Everyday Cleansing

by Kelle Lambers on Sep 26, 2019
Last week we talked about how to cleanse your body from Heavy Metals, a major precursor to illness and disease. Next week will be a "How To" On deep liver cleansing, to heal disease in your body. I will share how I healed over 8 autoimmune illnesses in my body ...   This weeks topic will be on "Everyday Cleansing" ...things we can do every day to keep our bodies healthy and happy. ________________________________ LEMON WATER The first thing I like to add to my daily routine for cleansing is juicing 1/2-1 lemon in water every morning and drinking it first thing, then wait 20-30 minutes till you eat or drink anything else. It helps you to rehydrate, and cleanses toxins out your liver.  Lemon juice activates the water to latch onto toxins and to help flush them out of your system, much better than just water alone.  _______________________________ TEA The second thing for daily detoxing is tea. Tea tastes great, gives you a break from drinking water, and has amazing health benefits! MY FAVORITE CLEANSING TEAS  DANDELION Clears organs of toxic heavy metals, DDT and other poisons Dandelion Flower- Cleanse stomach, intestinal tract, gallbladder, bladder, lungs, uterus and heart Dandelion Leaves- Purifies blood, helps with circulatory issues, cleanses lymphatic system Dandelion Stem- Cleanse spleen, liver, and brain Dandelion Root-  Deeper cleanser for spleen, liver and brain; forces the organs to purge toxins on a deeper level for a more intense detoxification Helps you to stay healthy Anti-viral Good for the prostate Full of vital nutrients and vitamins HELPS WITH Acid reflux Weight gain Inflamed gallbladder Sluggish liver Acne Migrains UTI's Blood and digestive disorders ALS and much more...   HIBISCUS Helps rejuvenate the liver, bringing it back to life by cleaning mucus off cell membrane walls and improving the liver’s ability to perform its responsibilities. This herb is also a gallbladder rejuvenator—it cleans off gallbladder walls—and improves the liver’s personalized immune system. HELPS WITH Boosts immune system  Fights infections Antioxidants within help cardiac function and lower cholesterol  Lowers blood pressure Prevents bladder infections Relieves constipation Weight loss Depression Sleep disorders Hypertension Mood swings Helps with liver disorders Fatty Liver Jaundice    _______________________________ EAT YOUR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES The next thing in having a daily healthy cleansing diet is eating lots of fruits and vegetables. I talked about this in a previous Blog Mom was right Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables. At least 1/3 of every meal should be a fruit or veggie, you can even work up to 1/2 if you would like. These foods contain live nutrients that give your body real nutrition, power and energy; and help to cleanse and heal your body, instead of eating the dead or inert ingredients in a lot of the foods that we eat today. These other foods just fill you up, but don't give your body a lot of the true nutrition like fruits and vegetables do to keep us healthy. Enjoy your fruit! Our bodies, liver and brain run on glucose, the sugar that is in fruit. As an example, having a banana or mango right before bed gives your brain the glucose it needs to help you have a better nights sleep.  These fruits actually balance blood sugar: Apples Bananas Berries Dates Lemons Melons Pomegranates Artichokes Sprouts We have developed a fruit fear, with diet fads such as KETO, and other fads that go in and out of style. God infused these delicious delicacies with some of the most powerful healing nutrients on the planet....SO ENJOY! _______________________________________ LOWER FAT INTAKE To cleanse your liver you need to keep the fat levels in your blood low. If your blood has too much fat in it, it has lower levels of oxygen in it. This puts your liver in bile production mode to process these fats and thin the blood so your oxygen levels can go back up again. We need oxygen in our blood to feed our organs, especially our brain and heart....!!! When we eat fat, it changes our liver function from removing toxins out of the liver to producing bile to digest the fats that are being ingested.  If we are continually eating fat then our liver never has a chance to cleanse and release toxins properly... Therefore getting stagnant, fatty and sluggish! I recommend if you want to focus on gently cleansing; to not eat any fat until the afternoon or evening. If you can at least go fat free for breakfast that will go a long ways to helping your body detox. Have a fruit and greens smoothie for breakfast, a big salad for lunch, and a regular dinner.   _____________________________________ CONCLUSION There is a lot you can do if you know what to watch out for, and how best to support your body. You can do a lot for your body if you even do a gradual cleanse, like I have described above. Really....It's just a healthy way to eat and would be beneficial to have this as your main way of eating.  It just may take a little time to re-focus on how you create your meals, but once you get the hang of it, it is not hard. THE KEY IS PLANNING!! Make a weekly menu when you go shopping with yummy healthy recipes. Then you won't get stuck in the I'M HANGRY situation and eat whatever is fast and convenient. It just takes a few minutes to get it together, but having a menu will be a major help for you throughout the week to stay healthy and have the variety you want. I have purchased some great cookbooks, and I choose 1 per week to get my recipes out of and then switch throughout my cookbooks weekly. Sure we all need to cheat here and there, just enjoy when those special times are around, and then get right back to it.   If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below!   HIBISCUS LEMONADE One of my favorite drinks to have while cleansing. Make up a pitcher and have it on hand to drink throughout the day.   4 C        Water -Divided 2 tsp       Hibiscus tea or 2 tea bags 1/2 C     Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice 4 TBL    Raw Honey   Boil 1 cup of the water and add the Hibiscus tea, steep 10-15 minutes. Strain and place in the fridge to cool. In a bowl mix the remaining water, lemon juice and honey until dissolved. Mix two together when hibiscus mixture has cooled.      
Toxic heavy metal exposure How to clear your body from heavy metals Foods to clear heavy metals

Zen Blog

Cleanse to Help Heal Your Body- Pt 1. Heavy Metals

by Kelle Lambers on Sep 17, 2019
Spring and fall are the best times to cleanse your body. As the seasons change our bodies naturally want to purge to get ready for the hottest or coldest seasons respectively. So, now is a perfect time to help these natural inclinations along.   How do we properly cleanse our body? I will be Blogging on a series that will walk you through how to cleanse your body... ...through detoxing heavy metals, to everyday cleansing, to a full on deep cleanse to really help heal your body from health issues. We will start with cleansing from heavy metals; because we all have them and they can be the base of many health issues we experience. We are continually exposed to heavy metals from our environment and are even born with high levels of heavy metals that have been passed down to us from generational exposure.   Metals do not leave the system unless they are forcefully cleared out!     Contributors to Heavy Metal Toxicity Pesticides Herbicides Cosmetics Petroleum products Medications Fillings Food Water Air pollution Chemically lined non-stick pans Food containers Old Thermometers Lead based paint   Some of the symptoms we see from heavy metal toxicity are: Anxiety Depression ADHD Brain fog Migraines Insomnia SIBO Alzheimer's Memory Loss Damage to Neurotransmitters Bacterial over growth Shingles Metal taste in mouth and much more...   Heavy metals store themselves in every tissue and system in the body.    Cleansing metals out of our bodies is paramount... as latent or active viruses in our body like Epstein Barr virus and Strep feed on heavy metals as well as other things (to be discussed later) which cause most of the illnesses in our body today.     5 Heavy Metal Detoxifying Foods that will pick up and clear out heavy metals   Hawaiian Spirulina ( Clears HM in brain, central nervous system, liver) Barley Grass Juice Powder ( Clears HM in Intestinal track, pancreas, spleen, thyroid and reproductive system) Cilantro ( Clears deep hard to reach places, mercury of past generational exposure) Wild Blueberries ( Most powerful way to get rid of HM in the body and brain, they also repair the tissue where the HM were and replaces with antioxidants, for hard to reach deep places, picks up where others leave off) Atlantic Dulse ( If you are afraid of it having HM from the ocean, Dulse will remove more HM than it can ever give you, because it doesn't let go, absorbs like a sponge, for deep generational exposure to HM)     Here are some of our favorite recommendations to clear heavy metals. First thing when you wake up, squeeze 1/2-1 lemon in water and drink before anything else. Wait a 1/2 an hour before eating or drinking anything else. OR drink 12-16 oz freshly juiced celery juice, and wait 30 minutes as well Have a cup of dandelion or hibiscus tea with breakfast. My Favorite!! A heavy metal detox smoothie for breakfast SMOOTHIE 1-2c Blueberries 2 bananas OR 1 banana and 3/4c mango 1c Cilantro 1 tsp Barley grass juice powder 1 tsp Hawaiian Spirulina 1 TBL Atlantic Dulse 1 Orange juiced 1/2-1c water or coconut water- if needed Ice if desired   Other Things that can support your body in clearing Heavy Metals are to reduce or eliminate your intake of: Eggs (feeds viruses, fat) Dairy- milk, butter, yogurt etc. (another viral feeder, fat) Gluten if possible (another viral feeder) Lower intake of fat- nuts, seeds, meat, etc- lowering blood fat aids you in releasing the heavy metals   You may feel your body detoxing... You may feel detox symptoms as you start clearing the heavy metals out of your body. This is good, so push through it, as your body will be healthier and cleaner after the symptoms pass.   Some detox symptoms you may experience are;  headaches metal taste fatigue body aches   But know that it will just last a while and that your body will be healthier after you do it. So don't stop, doing the detox, you have to push through it...   You can keep doing this until you feel that the symptoms you have been experiencing are gone, or as long as you like.   I will blog next on what you can do everyday to detox your body in a gentle manner.    If you want to learn more about detoxification and healing your liver which is one of the main areas to cleanse for healing, this is a wonderful resource to help you. Cleanse to Heal Book
The Health benefits of Mango and a recipe to help you sleep

Zen Blog

The Mighty Mango & How It Can Help You Have A Great Night Sleep

by Kelle Lambers on Aug 29, 2019
There are many health benefits to the mango, but one that most people don't know about is that it is an amazing sleep aid! When you eat a mango before bed the phytochemicals and amino acids such as glycine, glutamine and cystine combined with the glucose and fructose travel to your brain and quickly restore depleted neurotransmitters, which allow most people suffering with insomnia get a good night sleep! They also have many other health benefits: Stress relief Protection against viruses Support the skin Help to prevent skin cancer Reverse Hypoglycemia & Diabetes Calms central nervous system Alleviates constipation Helps with exercise recovery Mangoes are a great addition to your diet if you suffer from: Insomnia ADHD Anxiety Depression Stomach Cancer Seasonal Affective Disorder- SAD Adrenal Fatigue Colitis Fatty Liver Diabetes Alzheimer's & Dementia PTSD Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and much more...   HOW TO EAT For noticeable results, eat 2 mangoes a day To help with sleep eat a full mango before bed Eaten with greens or celery will give you the opposite effect, giving you a kick of energy. Eat a mango before you exercise to help with recovery See my amazing Dinner Recipe Below!!!!   WE MADE IT EASY FOR YOU! If you want to learn more about the amazing benefits of the mango and other amazing foods, you can order this book with the link below. This book has been a staple in my diet, helping me heal my body from over 8 auto-immune issues.  I eat mangoes to help me with insomnia and my thyroid. I can definitely feel a difference in my sleep if I eat a mango before bed!         Here is one of my favorite healthy dinners; that will help you sleep great and tastes great!!     Curried Mango Chicken 2 Servings   1 1/4 LBS     Chicken breast- cut into cubes 1-2 TBL        Coconut oil 1                   Large Onion 1                   Red bell pepper-diced (opt) 2                   Cloves Garlic- crushed 1 TBL           Fresh Ginger- grated 1-2 tsp         Curry Powder 1-2 tsp         Sea Salt 1-2 TBL       Apple cider vinegar 1 1/2 TBL    Raw Honey 1/2 C           Coconut milk 2                  Mangoes-peeled and cubed 2-3 C           Frozen "Riced" Cauliflower   Instructions: Heat oil over medium heat and add onions stirring occasionally, cook until soft, 5-10 minutes. Add optional red pepper, garlic, ginger, curry and salt, cook 5 minutes. Add vinegar, coconut milk and mango. Boil briefly. Add chicken pieces and cauliflower rice, cover and simmer until chicken is cooked through and cauli rice is tender. Garnish with cilantro or cashews   Enjoy!!! AND have a great nights sleep! Comment and let us know what you think of the recipe and if you see any results with eating mangoes!   
Eat more fruits and vegetables to really heal your body

Zen Blog

Mom Was Right!--Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables--Heal Your Body! Pt.1

by Kelle Lambers on Aug 22, 2019
Most of the American Diet is made up of dead food... Think about it... Most of our diet is made out of foods that sit for a long time or are processed, and as a result don't have any healing benefits. Flour Pasta Bread Meat Fat These foods may make you full, but they don't give your body any life giving or healing properties.   Eating better can... Give you better health Help you loose weight And even heal autoimmune disease and cancer! Through food, I have healed over 8 auto-immune issues in my body, so I know first hand the power of food!!     How many of us struggle to eat the recommended 3 or even 1 serving of fruit and vegetables a day? AARP says: "In a nationwide analysis of fruit and vegetable consumption, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 12 percent of adults consume the recommended daily amounts of fruit and 9 percent for vegetables." "1.5 to 2 cups of fruits and 2 to 3 cups of vegetables per day. Higher intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and obesity." These are the only foods that are "living foods" and actually have true health and healing properties.   What do I mean by living food?  They have energy, life and vitality in them. They are plants and therefore are growing, living things. They have vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals and so many other components that are the true remedy for improving our health and healing our bodies.   So why don't we eat enough of our fruits and veggies? Don't know how to cook them? Takes too much time? Don't like veggies? Comment below about your healthy eating food struggles!!! And we can work on them together! Once you learn how to prepare and plan your diet, you can make some wonderful healthy dishes that even your picky eaters will love. I know, I got one... ;)   What Are The Quick and Easy Basics? FIRST    The first thing to start with is increase your fruit and vegetable content, by having at least 1/3rd of your meal be either a fruit or vegetable or combination of both. Then you can gradually work towards having 1/2 of your meal be fruit or veggies as you learn how to work them in and cook with them. If you can concentrate on that as a meal rule, you will be well on your way to improving your health. Enjoy the colors and tastes that fruit and veggies can give your meals! SECOND  Lower your fat content. If you are eating fat at every meal you are taking your liver out of clearing and detox mode, to fat digestion mode. If your liver is in constant fat digestion mode, it will never have a chance to clean, clear and detoxify; therefore toxins will be building up continually in your liver, which then lead to most of our health issues! One rule of thumb is have your fat in the later half of the day, that way you can spend the whole early part of the day giving your liver time to detox. Here is a picture of my breakfast; I have either a large smoothie or a massive bowl of fruit....I mean massive... ;) THIRD    First thing every morning, have a glass of fresh squeezed lemon juiced (1/2 or a whole lemon) in 16oz of water and then wait 20-30 minutes before eating or drinking other things. This helps to give your liver a big detox boost!   Keep these main 3 things going and you will be well on your way to having a healthier you!    MORE TO COME... I will be blogging more in the future on how to eat healthy and cleanse your liver, with a few included recipes!!! And, I will also have some specific blogs on eating to overcome major health issues, like what I have done... Sneek Preview: I have been eating a diet of 70-75% fruits and vegetables for over 19 months, and have healed myself from over 8 auto-immune disorders. Chronic Constipation Hair Loss Chronic Fatigue Candida Interstitial Cystitis of the bladder Chronic Insomnia Adrenal Failure Tinnitus Eye Floaters Skin tags and lesions Hypothyroidism and overall immune strengthening are what I have left I have healed over 8 autoimmune issues, lost almost 30 pounds and have more energy than I've had in 10 years! It is a short adjustment, but well worth the results!! I have also taken out a few foods that block the healing process, but more on that later....Stay Tuned!!   Blessings for your future health, Kelle      
Natural Relief for Nightly Hot Flashes

Zen Blog

Natural Relief for Nightly Hot Flashes

by Kelle Lambers on Jul 19, 2019
Having hot flashes and night sweats that keep you up at night?    The following herbs help to balance hormones and as a result reduce hot flashes and night sweats. I know how hot flashes and night sweats can keep you awake at night and interrupt a good nights sleep!! Sucky!! I have given you the three main herbs that I use on myself, and have been using for years. They help me out with my menopause symptoms, however they are good for women of all ages. I do not have hot flashes anymore with these herbs and I am 51! Herbs do not have side affects like medication; especially hormone replacement therapy which can actually cause cancer!! Try mixing and matching the following herbs and dosages that work for you. We are all not the same and will require different elements and different amounts of those elements to work for us.   MACA Maca in perimenopausal and menopausal women has been linked to an increase in hormones, including progesterone and luteinizing hormone (which stimulates ovary function). The maca also stimulated estradiol and suppressed the production of chemicals like the stress hormone, cortisol.  Maca is not just good for menopause, it is good for balancing hormones in younger women and even men. Here are some of the other areas it helps with: Enhances energy Balances Adrenals Stimulates Libido Helps with PMS   Get Maca Root Capsules This link will take you to Amazon website where you can purchase the item. Thank you for using this link, as I do receive a commission for recommending their awesome product!!    SHATAVARI Shatavari is an Ayervedic Herb that is wonderful for balancing hormones.  Shatavari, or Asparagus racemosus, has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to support the reproductive system, particularly for females, and as a support for the digestive system.  Shatavari’s name gives reference to its traditional use as a rejuvinative tonic for the female reproductive system. This support is not only for the young woman, but also for women in their middle and elder years, to help them gracefully transition through the natural phases of life, including menopause.  Men of all ages can also benefit from shatavari's cooling properties. Get Shatavari Root Capsules   This link will take you to the Amazon website where you can purchase the item. Thank you for using this link, as I do receive a commission for recommending their awesome product!!     RED RASPBERRY LEAF TEA There are a multitude of benefits to red raspberry leaf tea. The tea leaves are naturally high in magnesium, potassium, iron and b vitamins. It's helpful for nausea and leg cramps (which may improve sleep).  It also helps with menopause, PMS and just as an overall female tonic. Get Raspberry Leaf Tea     This link will take you to the Amazon website where you can purchase the item. Thank you for using this link, as I do receive a commission for recommending their awesome product!!      NOTE: If you have a medical condition or take any medication or are pregnant, consult with a doctor before trying this supplement.
The Best Herbs To Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Zen Blog

The Best Herbs To Reduce Stress and Anxiety

by Kelle Lambers on Jun 24, 2019
Stress and anxiety can cause many issues in our life; high blood pressure, adrenal and chronic fatigue, and insomnia, to name a few. I find it best to treat these issues in a wholistic way. It's usually not one thing that causes an issue and not just one thing that will cure an issue. Besides the great video we offer on relieving stress and our CES Device, one of the best things we can do is add in these great supplements. The herbs listed below are wonderful "adaptogens," that help our adrenals adapt to and clear the chemicals caused in our body by stress. The Adrenals are our organs that release adrenaline when we are in a stressful situation, fight or flight. Unfortunately, many of us, due to our modern lifestyle, are always in a state of continual stress. As a result, our adrenals get over worked and fatigued and can cause us anxiety, raised blood pressure, hair loss, thyroid issues, depression and many other health issues.    These adaptogenic herbs help to calm, recharge and restore the adrenals. If you have to choose one, I would start with the Licorice root, but if you can do both, they each help in different ways. I use both and I have more energy, my hair has stopped falling out, I don't get the anxiety heart pounding thing anymore and I don't wake up in the night with anxiety attacks anymore. They help me feel calm, have more energy and have also helped to support my low-thyroid production.  We are all under stress these days... so these are something we should all be taking as an everyday supplement to support our bodies! They will help us get out of an adrenal fatigue situation or prevent us from getting into one... great right?!?!   LICORICE ROOT Licorice root is one of the most important herbal supplements you should be taking daily. It is the ultimate herb to protect your body from viral explosions, adrenal support and much more: Chronic fatigue Insomnia Anxiety Thyroid issues Menopause symptoms Digestive issues and much more If taken in the morning, it can help to increase your energy levels for the day. It is best to take cycling for two weeks on and then two weeks off. You can take it as a tincture, capsule or yummy tea. Do whichever works for you!   Licorice Root This link will take you to Amazon website where you can purchase the item. Thank you for using this link, as I do receive a commission for recommending their awesome product!!    ASHWAGANDHA   For A Healthy Immune & Stress Response Strengthens Thyroid Promotes Immune Vitality  Normalizes Energy & Mood     Ashwagandha Root When the body is stressed, the immune and nervous systems can be affected, leaving a person depleted. Adaptogenic herbs such as Ashwagandha help nourish and restore optimal, nervous and immune system health by normalizing mood, energy levels, and overall immune function.  Ashwagandha Caps   This link will take you to Amazon website where you can purchase the item. Thank you for using this link, as I do receive a commission for recommending their awesome product!!    If you have a medical condition or take any medication, consult with a doctor before trying these supplements.    Please feel free to ask questions or comment below!!
Find Out The Best Teas to Help You Sleep

Zen Blog

Find Out The Best Teas to Help You Sleep

by Kelle Lambers on Jun 10, 2019
A cup of tea before bed can be an amazing tool to help you sleep better at night. Below are a few amazing teas that I cycle through, that have helped me have a better nights sleep. Tea is great whether it's summer or winter. Drink it hot or iced.....   But first of all let's talk...honey... HONEY A KEY INGREDIENT to add to your tea to help you sleep is raw honey!! YES HONEY! The sugar in honey IS NOT like processed sugar. It gives the brain the glucose that it feeds on (not fat like KETO says) so your brain has what it needs to help you relax and have a good nights sleep. It is one of the most powerful brain foods out there. Honey not only helps you sleep it is; a pathogen killer, has anti-cancerous phytochemicals, builds your immune system up, repairs your DNA, is full of B12 and is anti-inflammatory. It helps with; insomnia, allergies, ADHD, colds/flu, infections, adrenal fatigue, digestive disorders and so much more! So enjoy your honey!!! And please use unprocessed RAW honey, it has all the micro-nutrients and phytochemicals that do all these wondrous things for you. When it is processed, much of these are killed and won't give you the benefits listed. So enjoy some honey in your tea and know you are doing more for your body than just fulfilling your healthy sweet tooth!   LEMON BALM TEA Lemon Balm is great to relieve stress and calms the nerves. It soothes the bladder and detoxifies the liver and is a heal-all for every part of the body. It is especially good for a nervous stomach, anxiety, hot flashes, night sweats, urinary urgency and inflammation. You can also take it in a tincture form, if you would like that better and if it works for you. For Insomnia you can put 2-3 tea bags in a cup and drink 1 hour before bed.     Traditional Medicinals Herbal Tea Organic Lemon Balm - 16 Tea Bags Gaia Herbs Organic Lemon Balm - 333 mg - 1 fl oz This link will take you to the Vitacost website where you can purchase the item. Thank you for using this link, as I do receive a commission for recommending their awesome product!!      CHAMOMILE TEA Chamomile tea is loaded with antioxidants that may play a role in lowering your risk of several diseases, including heart disease and cancer.  Chamomile has properties that may aid sleep and digestion. Here are some other issues it can help with: Promotes Sleep and Treats Insomnia. ... Boosts Immunity. ... Treats Cold. ... Reduces Muscle Spasms and Period Pain. ... Soothes Stomach Ache. ... Treats Cuts, Wound and Skin Conditions. ... Reduces Stress. ...     Traditional Medicinals Herbal Tea Organic Chamomile - 16 Tea Bags This link will take you to the Vitacost website where you can purchase the item. Thank you for using this link, as I do receive a commission for recommending their awesome product!!    NOTE: If you have a medical condition or take any medication, consult with a doctor before trying this supplement.
One of the Best Supplements to Aid Sleep

Zen Blog

One of the Best Supplements to Aid Sleep

by Kelle Lambers on May 20, 2019
Sometimes we need a little extra boost in helping us sleep. One of my main go-to's is Magnesium. Magnesium is an amazing sleep aid! It works with your nervous system to help you be calm and relaxed. It regulates the neurotransmitters in your brain and nervous system and helps balance your melatonin production, which in turn, helps to regulate your sleep cycles. By quieting the nervous system, magnesium helps your body and mind relax for sleep. Not only can magnesium help you get to sleep, but it plays a part in helping you achieve deep and restful sleep as well. A few other benefits of magnesium are; Help reduce leg cramps that can happen in the middle of the night, Help regulate your bowel movements (constipation)  Help alleviate anxiety and depression.   MY RESULTS WITH MAGNESIUM I have used magnesium for years. It has helped me to relax and sleep better and deeper, and help alleviate my issues with constipation. There are 2 forms of magnesium I recommend; magnesium citrate, as in the CALM supplement; and Magnesium glycinate, as in the PURE supplement. If you have issues with loose bowels, then I would recommend the glycinate over the citrate form, as the citrate has a bit more of a bowel loosening effect. HOW TO TAKE Follow the directions on the bottle. It's best to take at bedtime, but there are some of us who are sensitive people like me... I take my magnesium in the morning because it will keep me awake if I take it at bedtime, but I do sleep better at night even when I take it in the morning with breakfast, go figure...but true...        Natural Vitality Natural Magnesium Calm Raspberry-Lemon - 8 oz This link will take you to the Vitacost website where you can purchase the item. Thank you for using this link, as I do receive a commission for recommending their awesome product!!        Pure Encapsulations Magnesium (glycinate) - 90 Capsules This link will take you to the Vitacost website where you can purchase the item. Thank you for using this link, as I do receive a commission for recommending their awesome product!!      NOTE: Magnesium supplements can interfere with certain medications, including antibiotics, muscle relaxants and blood pressure medications. If you have a medical condition or take any medication, consult with a doctor before trying this supplement.  
Natural healing for candida, chronic fatigue, interstitial cystitis, hair loss and more

Zen Blog

How I Healed Myself From Over 8 Different Auto-Immune Issues

by Kelle Lambers on May 03, 2019
This is my story of how I healed myself from; Insomnia, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Constipation, Candida, Interstitial Cystitis of the Bladder, Brain Fog, Hair loss, Tinnitus and Adrenal Failure. I had been suffering from these for over 16 years. I had tried every natural cleanse, diet and treatment out there, and had spent thousands of dollars trying to heal myself naturally, but nothing completely worked. I was close but not quite there with my diet and supplements; and the things I learned through Anthony William and his book CLEANS TO HEAL  gave me the last keys to truly healing my body. Cleanse to Heal Book I did the candida diet for over a year with no success. I was still eating eggs, one of the main contributors to feeding the real underlying problem my body was having; an overgrowth of the Strep and Epstein Barr Viruses. Most of the "auto-immune" issues people are having today are based usually from these 2 viruses. Anthony talks about how these viruses work in causing all these issues in his books.  I was still eating foods that I shouldn't have been eating like high fat (keto), eggs, gluten and dairy which feed these viruses; and I was not eating enough of the foods that actually heal my body...like fruits and vegetables. I seriously eat a ton of fruit now, and am loving it!! He talks about how the fruit sugars are not the same as regular sugar and actually help heal your body and brain. I talked a little bit about this in my previous Blog: How Bananas Before Bed Can Help You Sleep.  By following his recommendations I have healed all the issues stated above...It has taken me about a year to do so. I have two things left to heal which are my thyroid and just the over all strengthening of my immune system. I fully expect to have these healed within the next 6 months to a year. Wow! You may say, "That is a long time!" According to Anthony William, it takes about 1 month per year you have been sick to heal your body. I feel so good now, it's definitely worth the time it takes to heal! I am not hungry or feel deprived with his recommendations. Actually I find myself eating more and more often than I used to. I have lost 25 pounds while doing this program, so hey....that's cool! I have even "cheated" occasionally throughout for special occasions, or to have a little break, and I still have healed 75-80% of my issues in about a year.  This has been truly amazing! I feel like a normal person again! And I wanted to share this information with you out there who may be suffering from similar issues like mine. I have also heard of people healing from; colitis, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, chron's, shingles, MS, eczema, chronic acne, cancer and so much more. He has multiple books, they all are wonderful! The Life Changing Foods is a must as you can see all the amazing health benefits of our fruits and vegetables. Then I would pick either the Liver Cleanse or the Thyroid Healing book for the basics of how to eat and cleanse your body of these disease causing viruses. Take it from me....I tried a ton of things, spent a ton of money and none of them worked....none until this one. Wishing you all the best in your Health and Healing!! Kelle   Here are the links to the books, to make it easy for you to find them. Cleanse to Heal Book  Liver Rescue Book Life Changing Foods Book    My healing story published in "Women's World Magazine" April 2019 As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Review on the Cellerciser trampoline

Zen Blog

My Review for the Cellerciser Trampoline

by Kelle Lambers on Apr 08, 2019
  The Cellerciser is an amazing re-bounder. Do you like to work out at home, whenever you want and don't like spending a ton of time doing it, then this is the exercise equipment for you! I am a 50 year old woman and I have never had such hard, dense and defined muscle tissue doing weightlifting, yoga or any other type of exercise! I can feel my six pack! The Cellerciser is safe for all ages and is for beginners and even experts who want extreme definition. AND I only spend 10 MINUTES A DAY!! I know that sounds hard to believe, but it is quite true. Check out the 5 minute video to show you my results. The springs are engineered for perfect spring and stretch, so there are no injuries from jarring the body like other re-bounders. It is also very durable, I have had mine for 10 years and have had no malfunctions and it still works as great as ever! IT IS GREAT FOR: Weight Loss Aerobic and Strength Exercise Get rid of Cellulite Building Muscle Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles MUCH MORE To learn more or to purchase CLICK HERE I have also created a video of my 10 minute workout and you can just follow along. It is a great whole body workout and even strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and gets rid of cellulite, major issues for women! Here is a link to MY CELLERCISER ROUTINE I do get a little kick back for recommending this amazing product, so if you are interested in purchasing I would appreciate your using my link to purchase! Thank you!
Bananas are a healthy food and help you sleep better

Zen Blog

Bananas Before Bed- Can Help You Sleep Better-

by Kelle Lambers on Mar 25, 2019
There is a lot of misinformation about fruit and carbs out there these days. The fad (keto) says that your brain and body need fat to work properly, that is misinformation. Your brain, liver and body actually run on glucose. If you do not have enough glucose reserves in these organs they will not function properly.  SIGNS YOUR BODY NEEDS GLUCOSE Brain fog Sleep disorders Lack of focus Anxiety Fatigue Poor digestion ADHD Depression Blood sugar imbalances and much more... I am talking about the glucose and fructose which come from fruit, not the processed sugars in cakes, cookies and other sweeteners. The glucose in bananas and other fruit are bonded to critical life supporting minerals, amino acids, anti-oxidants, vitamins and other phytonutrients, so it's not empty glucose you are eating. These fruits are also made up of fiber, pulp and water that have other wonderful health and digestion benefits. So please, don't be afraid to eat fruit! Finally you have permission to eat fruit! And NO they will not make you gain weight!!    MY EXPERIENCE I went on a very restrictive diet, similar to Keto, to get rid of my candida with very little carbs. That is when my insomnia exploded, as well as, brain fog, anxiety, chronic fatigue, lack of focus and chronic constipation among other things. As soon as I changed my diet to add in lots of fruit, these things started changing.  I have since lost 24 pounds, gotten rid of my candida, and all the other things listed up there (through fruit and eating a healthy cleansing diet). There are a few other fruits as well as raw honey that also help me to sleep and I will talk about each of them on later BLOGs, but I do have a better nights sleep if I eat a banana, honey or one of those other fruits before bed. My brain and body feel calmer and more relaxed which help me to sleep deeper and better.  I eat 1 banana 1-2 hours before bedtime and it really does help.   You could even make a BANANA MILKSHAKE before bed: 1 Fresh banana 1 Frozen banana 1 Date 1/2 tsp Alcohol free vanilla extract 1/3 Cup Coconut water Dash of cinnamon Blend all together in a blender and enjoy!! A perfect evening dessert, but better yet a sleep tonic!!   HEALTH BENEFITS OF BANANAS Powerful anti-viral food Has tryptophan to help you sleep, relieve stress, anxiety and depression Destroys fungus in the body Digestive aid- colitis, IBS, chrons Stabilizes blood sugar Help balance weight Helps with "auto-immune" diseases Helps adrenal fatigue Helps heart disease Alzheimers Bipolar And so much more... Eating 3 or more bananas a day can even help PTSD!   BANANAS AN AMAZING FRUIT Bananas should be one of our go to fruits, because they do so much for our bodies. They are the best thing to eat before and after exercise to give your body what it needs to exercise and to replenish when you are done. They are healthy and filling, for those late night snackers and they taste wonderful!! They really are a perfect food!! So please don't be afraid of fruit anymore, ENJOY!!   For more in-depth information see: Life Changing Foods by Anthony Williams
A natural stone bracelet that can help you have a good nights sleep

Zen Blog

A natural stone bracelet that can help you have a good nights sleep

by Kelle Lambers on Mar 18, 2019
These powerful natural stone sleep bracelets are designed to help you have a deeper more consistent nights sleep and wake up more refreshed. They help to assist you gently cleanse and re-align your body's energy and get rid of stress and anxiety. Each of the stones that were chosen have a unique purpose, but when put together they work synergistically to create a powerful mood balancer and sleep enhancer, helping you feel refreshed, joyful and balanced in the morning. You can wear them just for sleep or as a bracelet that is fashionable as well as functional. Some of the expensive sleep bracelets out there use magnets to "harness the beneficial frequencies of the Earth." We do that with beautiful natural stones that work with the frequency/energy of your body, helping to reduce stress and anxiety and balance the nervous system and brain. I personally have tried the very expensive bracelets and these work just as well, if not better in my opinion, as my bracelets do so much more for you and your body, AND at a fraction of the $250-$425 cost! MY EXPERIENCE I have been using them on myself and have seen the results! I sleep deeper, I sleep through the night, and I dream!! I wake up refreshed and ready for the day, not groggy and sluggish like I used to. I also feel more calm and relaxed throughout the day. I feel these work better than the expensive magnet sleep bracelets that I have used in the past, because it even helped me clear out some of the imbalances in my health and made my body even healthier!! The other bracelets DID NOT do that! CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE   CHOICE OF BRACELET The bracelets are made with 6mm (3/16") beads, and come with three different stone options- Hematite, Black Tourmaline or for sensitive individuals- Amethyst. These stones are added to the base stone configuration, giving you an option to choose the stone that would best serve and help you to a better nights rest: HEMATITE Calms mind and mental stress Grounding- helps reduce anxiety, worry, feeling stressed and being un-focused Balancing Aids in addictions and concentration Helps to diffuse or get rid of anger and negativity Memory enhancer, focus, clarity of thought BLACK TOURMALINE  Ultimate Grounding Stone- helps reduce anxiety, worry, feeling stressed and being un-focused  Blocks EMF (Electromagnetic Energy) from computers and wireless devices Blocks negative energy Calming  Strengthens immune system Helps you to feel balanced and serene AMETHYST For Sensitive individuals Natural stress reliever Calming Balance nervous system Helps to relieve insomnia CONSTRUCTION  The 6mm bead bracelet is designed for comfort while sleeping or wearing during your daily activities. 6mm was also chosen to assist you a gentle cleanse and re-alignment of your body's energy. Sometimes, for sensitive people,  headaches can happen for a few days as your body "detoxes" but will go away as your body comes into balance. The band is elastic and stretchy, but sturdy, and will just slide over your wrist. Women's size: 7" Average Men's size: 8" Average   HOW TO WEAR Listen to your body while wearing the bracelet, and do what you feel will work best for you and your body: You can wear all day and all night You can wear just during the day, for stress and emotional balancing and protection You can just wear at night, helping to calm and de-stress your body and emotions while you sleep In about 14-21 days, the stones become attuned to you and your body and it's needs, so these aren't bracelets for sharing. And yes, these do work very well.   CARE OF YOUR BRACELET It is good to cleanse and recharge your bracelet every so often. Every couple of days just rinse your bracelet in warm water and once a month if you can, put it out in the moonlight, to cleanse and recharge it.  Other magnetic bracelets have you put theirs out in the sun, but the sun can fade your stones, so I like to put mine outside under a full moon or out in the grass in the shade for a couple of hours.   CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE
How To Make The Best Before Bed Beverage

Zen Blog

How To Make The Best Before Bed Beverage

by Kelle Lambers on Mar 11, 2019
Here is a video on how to make the bestest most yummiest, before bed beverage. It really does help you have a better nights sleep!! Full of natural, healthy ingredients to help with insomnia, anxiety, depression and more. LOOK BELOW VIDEO FOR MORE INFO AND THE RECIPE     Best Before Bed Beverage   This drink is an amazing combination of tasty seasonings that do a lot for your body. Some of the many things it helps with are; supports your thyroid, gets rid of candida, helps memory and cognition, helps weight loss, helps balance blood sugar, boosts your immune system, anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-cancer, reduces cholesterol and best of all it HELPS YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT! It is very tasty too! I include a couple of optional ingredients that you can add to make it taste the way you want, even a chocolaty mocha-chino. Yum yum! This isn't a drink you want to miss and is especially comforting during colder weather. When it's warmer I will share my awesome coconut almond ice cream, that can take it's place.   Best Before Bed Beverage Serves: 1               Ingredients: 8-10 oz        Coconut or Almond Milk, Water, Lemon Balm Tea  1 TBL           RAW Honey 1/8 tsp          Nutmeg- Ground 1/8-1/4 tsp   Cinnamon  1/4-1/2 tsp   Turmeric Powder A FEW SHAKES OF EACH - TO TASTE:                     Ginger Powder                     Cardamom Powder                        Cloves- Ground        Optional, use any or all: 1-2 TBL            Coconut milk/cream- If you chose the water or tea 1 TBL               Raw Cacao powder (makes it hot-chocolaty) 1-2 TBL            Cafix beverage (a caffeine free, coffee-like tasting beverage for more flavor)   Heat the liquid of choice and then add the honey and other ingredients. Blend all ingredients with a blender or hand blender for 20-30 seconds. Then totally enjoy and sleep amazingly!   DON'T KNOW WHERE TO GET THE INGREDIENTS? LOOK BELOW     Cafix All Natural Instant Beverage - 7.05 oz  This link will take you to the Vitacost website where you can purchase the item. Thank you for using this link, as I do receive a commission for recommending their awesome product!!         NOW Foods Organic Raw Cacao Powder - 12 oz This link will take you to the Vitacost website where you can purchase the item. Thank you for using this link, as I do receive a commission for recommending their awesome product!!        Spicy World Authentic Foods Turmeric Powder - 14 oz This link will take you to the Vitacost website where you can purchase the item. Thank you for using this link, as I do receive a commission for recommending their awesome product!!    If you have a medical condition or take any medication, consult with a doctor before trying this supplement.     
Why Can't I Sleep? Three Main Tips For Sleeping Better

Zen Blog

Why Can't I Sleep? Three Main Tips For Sleeping Better

by Kelle Lambers on Mar 04, 2019
  So many of us these days have an issue with sleep. Why is that? I myself had dealt with insomnia for 7-10 years. I would be up for 1-2 hours in the middle of the night, every night. I got a lot of reading done…but that was about the only good thing. 😉 In the last year, I have healed myself from my chronic insomnia. I figured out that for me to have a good night’s sleep, it took a variety of things working together to fully balance my body. I feel that it’s not just one thing… 1 magic bullet that will knock us out for the night. I know we all like the idea of the easy fix, but more often than not, that’s not the case. We are complex beings and I feel that we need to treat the multiple areas that affect us, wholistically, to finally get relief. I feel there are many reasons contributing to the insomnia epidemic, some of the main ones are; nutrition, stress, and exercise. Below are some quick highlights of each of these areas. I will go deeper into each of them in the future, but I wanted to at least give you a quick overview; to get you thinking on the areas that could contribute to your issues and some quick solutions that you can start on right away to start giving you some relief.   NUTRITION As a nation, we have moved into convenience, especially in our food. Most of those convenient, prepackaged and fast food items are full of chemicals and other ingredients that mess with our bodies and brain and contribute to anxiety and insomnia. I myself have adopted a pretty clean regimen of eating, by eating lots of fruits and vegetables. One of the best ways to start eating healthier is to have at least half of your meal be either fruit or veggies. One reason is that these foods have the live nutrition that your body and brain need to work properly, and they also help clear out all the nasties that build up in your body, to help it be healthy and balanced. Our brains run on glucose, not the fat that is the “fad” right now. I had been on a low carb, high fat diet and it actually made my insomnia worse. Once I added more fruit to my diet I started sleeping better and I have even lost 24 pounds while eating this way. Some of the best fruit you can eat an hour or two before bed is a banana or mango, or a spoonful of honey like in my BEST BEFORE BED BEVERAGE. Both fruits and the honey have certain properties within them that fight insomnia, calm your system and feed your brain. So, don’t be fruit afraid!!! Enjoy, and sleep! Nutrition also includes herbs. I have listed some supplements and herbs on my website that support sleep. You can check them out here and give them a try to see how they can help you. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO   STRESS Our society today is probably one of the most stressful societies in the world. We are very work and production oriented and don’t allow time for the finer things in life that give us joy and relaxation. You only have one life and one body, I think we all can do better in supporting ourselves in this area. Take time to enjoy life, make time for yourself and the things you love. I know there is NO WAY to get rid of stress entirely, because we do have to work and interact with people, which are some of the most stressful things in our lives; BUT we can learn how to release the stress that we accumulate daily. One of the things that works wonders for me is deep breathing!! Deep breathing has been shown to lower blood pressure and cortisol levels. I have created 2 video routines from what I have learned in my 16 years of studying natural healing. I do them myself, to help relax and de-stress at the end of the day. I can really tell the difference when I let life get in the way and don’t do it for a while. My sleep does suffer. One video is more focused on deep breathing and grounding movements, the other has some stretching added in to really help you physically get rid of pent up stress in the body. You can click on the links below to find out more information: DEEP BREATHING TO RELIEVE STRESS AND ANXIETY STRETCH AND BREATHE     EXERCISE Exercise is one of the last areas I am going to expound upon today. Yes, no surprise, right? Why don’t we do it or if we do, are we overdoing it? If we don’t exercise at all, it leads our bodies to hold stress, become stiff and calcified, and is just plain un-healthy. You need to exercise to keep your body young and functioning well. And for those of you on the opposite spectrum…those who exercise for hours and hours a week. Surprisingly, too much exercise has proven to raise our stress hormone cortisol. Exercising for too long or too intensely for too long, will actually stress your body out more than it is helping. So, what is the happy medium between those of us who don’t want to spend hours and hours exercising and those who tend to overdo it??? CELLERCISE!!!!! It is an engineered, safe, trampoline, and IN JUST 10 MINUTES A DAY you get an amazing full body workout that cleanses and de-toxifies your body, reduces stress, and makes your muscles rock hard, even on a 50 year old woman like myself!! You can go to my site for more information, but here is a recommendation from a doctor about the CELLERCISER. GET MORE INFO “I recommend the Cellerciser to all my patients. It is the one and only, original mini trampoline that I trust to recommend. This product has literally changed the lives of many of my patients. You could bounce on this all day and only feel more energized and strong. Your joints will never hurt and it complements any other exercise routine a person has. It is great for those who are old and feel they have trouble moving, it builds strength and stability. It helps people who are cleansing or in a detox by increasing circulation and moving the lymph. For those who want to lose weight, get in shape or just firm up it is a must to their routine. I have even reports of its natural face lift ability. It firms under arms, neck, and butt sags. It is especially good for those needing to start exercising but have little energy and strength; nothing is better at building energy and strength without stress on any level. This Cellerciser is amazing and the only one I have recommended for years. There is no comparison to the others out there.” Dr. Moira Casey D.C.   That was a brief, well maybe not so brief,  😉 overview of some of the main things that can affect your sleep. I will be talking about each of these things more in-depth in the future, but for now you have at least a good framework that can get you moving towards a better night’s sleep. Eat, breathe and cellercise!!!  Blessings!!
5 Reasons to Buy Bamboo Sheets Over Cotton

Zen Blog

5 Reasons to Buy Bamboo Sheets Over Cotton

by Kelle Lambers on Jan 25, 2019
NOT ALL SHEETS ARE CREATED EQUAL So why do we carry bamboo sheets instead of cotton on Zenofsleep.com... ...and are they worth the hype?   First of all, there are 5 reasons to buy bamboo over cotton: They are hypoallergenic and anti-microbial- so they smell fresher, keep oders and micro-organisms away and are good for sensitive individuals They are breathable and wick away moisture 70% better than cotton They keep you warm in winter and cooler in the summer (on average, bamboo is 3 degrees cooler than cotton). The best bamboo sheets are soft, durable, and silky smooth, much smoother, softer and drapier than cotton. They are softer than 1500 Thread Count Cotton sheets. Bamboo is also an extremely renewable resource. Our materials are harvested and manufactured very carefully, so we can produce high-quality sheets in an environmentally sustainable way. So yes, bamboo sheets are worth the hype. They will give you a softer, cleaner, more comfortable and overall better sleeping experience. Once you try bamboo, you will never go back to cotton!   WHAT IS BAMBOO, WHY IS IT MORE PLANET FRIENDLY AND HOW IS IT MADE? Bamboo, is just what you think, the big tall stalks that you see in all those jungle movies, but the best thing about bamboo is, it grows like grass. It's like making sheets out of your lawn clippings. It grows fast and takes considerably less water than cotton to produce and manufacture. How can those rough looking stalks make such incredibly soft sheets? The bamboo plant is the starting material for a process (the viscose or rayon process) that can be performed with any plant and produces the viscose bamboo fabric. This is the same process that is used to make Rayon where the starting material could be any other plant, really. That’s why sometimes you see bamboo bed sheets labeled as “Viscose” and sometimes as “Rayon.”These are actually the exact same thing. 100% Bamboo sheets mean that the sheet manufacturer does not blend the viscose bamboo with any other fabrics (such as cotton) when the fabric is being created.     Our sheets are Oeko-Tex certified, so you can be sure there were NO NASTY CHEMICALS used to make these sheets! Viscose bamboo bed sheets are durable and soft, making them the perfect combination for a long-lasting, welcome addition to your bed linen collection. Viscose from bamboo bedding is considered by many to be the softest sheets that you can buy!   DO BAMBOO SHEETS HAVE A THREADCOUNT? Yes and no. Yes, they do have a threadcount, but it isn’t comparable to the threadcounts you see with cotton. The two main threadcounts available for bamboo sheets are 300tc and 400tc. It’s just not equivalent with the threadcounts for cotton sheets. Even some well-made 300tc bamboo sheets can be much softer than many 1500tc cotton sheets. In regards to bamboo, 400tc sheets will be thicker, softer and drapier than its 300tc counterpart.  Some of the important things to look for when buying bamboo sheets are the quality of the manufacturer, that they are Oeko-Tex certified, and that they are actually using 100% bamboo -NO COTTON OR MICROFIBER, which reduce all the best properties of having bamboo sheets in the first place! Bamboo sheets often come in 2 finishes as well; sateen and twill. Twill is not quite as soft and has the over/under pattern that many of our shirts and jeans have. They are a bit more durable than sateen, but not by much, and they are usually in the thinner, lower 300 thread count sheets. The sateen weave goes over-over-then under in its weave. It is much smoother and silkier on the skin and that is why we choose to use the thicker, higher 400 thread count sateen sheets for our store, to give you the thickest, softest most luxurious experience.   BAMBOO SHEETS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL Sadly, you are not going to fine real bamboo sheets for less than $100 for a twin set of sheets. There are various companies on Amazon selling sheets they call bamboo, but are really a bamboo mixed with polyester microfiber. These can be as cheap as $30, which is great if you don’t mind sleeping on polyester. When they say bamboo/microfiber blend, you are getting a mostly polyester sheet and as a result lose most of the wonderful benefits of bamboo. Just be aware that if you get sheets like this, you aren’t getting actual bamboo bedding products. Look for 100% Bamboo to make sure you are getting the real deal.   ARE BAMBOO SHEETS REALLY GOOD? Yes! I have purchased them myself and they do help me have a more comfortable, enjoyable, sleeping experience, and that is what we here at Zenofsleep.com are here for, to lead you towards all things that make your sleep better! I think the sheets are amazing! They are definitely the softest type of sheets you can buy, they are cooler, more breathable and feel silky/soft on my skin as well. As a 50 year old woman who deals sometimes with night sweats and hot flashes, bamboo has made those nights so much more comfortable!! I also like that I am choosing a product that is better and more renewable than cotton, which is great for our planet.   But don't take my word for it. Here are what some of our customers are saying about our sheets! 5 Stars!!- "Happy anniversary to us! We are absolutely in love with our new sheets. They are so cool and silky. I am a sheet snob and these definitely suit me. Kelle was awesome to work with. I will recommend this product to all my friends." -Lisa 5 Stars!!- "Best sheets ever! So soft and silky and I don't feel sweaty in them. Nice and thick like resort sheets." - Robyn 5 Stars!!- "We purchased a set of queen-size sheets from Zen of Sleep and are very satisfied with the quality and value. The fabric is luxurious and the sewing is flawless. The elastic all around the perimeter of the fitted sheet makes it so easy to change the bed without struggling to keep the corners in place, and ensures that the sheet stays put. The set looks as good as new after each washing and overall, this was a very worthwhile purchase. We will be ordering additional sets in the near future for our children and guests!" - Stan